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Pergunta para todos os CIDADÃOS O QUE DIZ NO ARTIGO 63 INCISO II DA CONSTITUIÇÃO BRASILEIRA? Respondo assim dizendo,no Art.63 diz;"Não será admitido qualquer aumento de despesas previstas" INCISO II-"Sobre os custos de projetos ADMINISTRATIVO DA CÂMARA DOS DEPUTADOS,DO SENADO FEDERAL,DOS TRIBUNAILS FEDERAIS E DO MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO".Ou seja CIDADÃO,todo mês quando você vai pagar sua conta,já está pagando IMPOSTO E TRIBUTO no que consumir ou serviço contratado.VOCÊ CIDADÃO ACHA ISSO JUSTO VOCÊ PAGAR 62% DE REAJUSTE PARA POLÍTICOS CORRUPTOS E INCOMPETENTES? Quanto foi o reajuste do seu SALÁRIO?Os Aposentados só tiveram um reajuste de 6,07% este ano com 6,14% no ano passado,ou seja,já estamos com perda de 0,07% am diante da INFLAÇÃO MEDIDA.Portanto é justo você pagar para seus ELEITOS 62% e receber uma bela BANANA DE CORRUPTO?PENSE NISSO!


A Central Única dos Trabalhadores precisa imediatamente rever seus assuntos diante de seus SÓCIOS e,obtive informações que há uma intervensão JURÍDICA no Sindicato por algum problema interno e,muitos de nós Sócios fomos PREJUDICADOS por atos de ABUSOS com agravo de esquemas ilícitos das representações de organizações de trabalho e,não fomos informados mas,se a CENTRAL ÚNICA DOS TRABALHADORES permanecer fazendo diferenças com os Sócios e Diretoria com suas ATITUDES de movimentos GREVISTAS diante das representações organizadas,estaremos todos PREJUDICADOS com políticas SEM FUNDAMENTOS E SEM RESPONSABILIDADE.Por esse motivo mover processos contra SÓCIOS da CUT COM ASSUNTOS INFUNDAVEIS perante ORDEM PÚBLICA?Todos temos direitos e deveres para serem obedecidos e,fazer OPOSIÇÃO DIANTE DE SÓCIOS por AUTORITARISMO E REBELDIA faz com que todos PERDEM CREDIBILIDADE E CONFIANÇA NAS MANIFESTAÇÕES TRABALHISTAS.A BASE DOS REAJUSTES DE SALÁRIO DE CADA CATEGORIA ESTÁ NA PREVIDÊNCIA SOCIAL COM OS APOSENTADOS E PENSIONISTAS e,mover AÇÃO CONTRA UM SÓCIO POR ESTÁ AJUDANDO VOLUNTARIAMENTE COM CONHECIMENTO DE CAUSA,É CRIME E,TENTAR CALAR O SÓCIO POR NÃO FAZER PARTE DA DIRETORIA?AGORA ESTÃO INTERDITADOS POR NÃO SE INFORMAREM E,NÃO RESPONDER AS MENSAGENS DE SÓCIOS PREJUDICANDO A SUA COMUNICAÇÃO!

FLIGHT CASE 447 AF Air France "the controversial" in OPINION RESEARCH!Day April 10, 2012 "Assessment of Observed Numbers in Analogy and FIXED"
Seeing the previous texts in that observation, I'm with the numbers evaluated Case Flight AF 447;
If 1LX1000m/2X3KmX180Km/h Kw/2-285000Kg +2.7 = 257.7 to 271.35 TKG TKG in 542700KL by 4.104.000L in 3000/2 in length de1368Km training in intertropical 1.350Km / h exceeding the speed of the A-330 in 898Km / h.

Area of ​​training data 1368Km away in extension, 4X45Km / 2 height of 15 to 11,000 meters valued at altitude 7500 to 6000 feet of training area CORRECTED Intertropical and 5500 feet of Flight 447, liters is measured in cubic 542.700Kl divided into 271350KL 271.35 TKG and in evaluation time of 1h: 54 minutes, estimated 1,000 to 3,000 cubic meters in KL, speed up to 180Km / h at 268Km / h, discharge of the Rays in 1000 DISTRIBUTED 10,000 per second decebés acute audible counting from 0 to10 seconds of sonic boom by Ray Cubic in evaluating the distance of 30Km 90Km away with RAYS OF DATA shots in 1350W SOUND OF HIGH powerfull DISCHARGES and assessment per liter cubic RAYS, LIGHTNING and thunder of 2.7 kW / 2.

In the latest news in the investigation of flight AF 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris in France on 31 May 2009, the investigations are controversial with communication on the BRAZILIAN PRESS.Analyses of the FLIGHT 447 AF Air France is very important details about the conditions meteologicas, engineering, aerial observation of weight and height and geographical studies of oceanography and marine biology.These observations are in fact very important to explain clearly what you hear in communications between the aircraft and the Airbus A 330, the time of analysis in the case is heard negligence of pilots have already been proved but technical issues can be heard on the A330 Airbus questions are: Why did the captain of flight 447 did not enter into communication with the Brazilian air traffic control tower? What was the problem I found the flight control failures? And because the A330 Air France was flying at a height that, for some expert, the A330 was in flight, would be in an area of ​​intertropical convergence?ON THE CONDITIONS METEOLÓGICA;The moment the aircraft of Air France Flight 447 was flying at an altitude of 11,000 meters, or 5,500 feet in fall already indicating problems, but the pilots were taking view of time? According to the Press had a vision because it was nighttime, but every storm that forms in a height of 12 to 15,000 meters but can be seen because the lightning, thunder and lightning in the clouds to illuminate indicating overloaded storm ahead .Except that at the time of flight, the A330 had communication problems because of a crash of a short circuit and the extra tropical convergence area was formed on top and immediately with the aircraft tilted to finish off, ie increasing height, but had no time to do anything and the peak of the aircraft leaned over and, with the beak up possibly the aircraft lost speed flight assonado losing braking stability with possible turbulence and with the speed of the wind and weight of ICE CUBES IN IMPACT ON THE FUSELAGE, could not bear the pressure and weight lifting power without aircraft and thus analyzing the fact is that wind speed was possibly more than 180 kilometers per hour and the weight of the aircraft before its fuselage over 30 pounds of weight in each part of the aircraft including the wings could not bear the bursts of ICE CUBES GRANÍSIO or that may have a size of a marble as a basketball because of the atmospheric temperature is below zero, and the windows of the aircraft could not bear the impacts of CUBES, or cause a rollover AÉREA.Além addition, the extra tropical convergence area formed at the exact time of flight seen in satellite meteorology at the time management fato.Portanto of the possibilities of the A330 of Air France crash into the Atlantic Ocean is zero because the weight of the aircraft with the passengers and crew, would not support ATMOSPHERIC Cubes and HITTING IN THE FUSELAGE, and no one would survive, and others bodies found by the French navy, were how many? Under what conditions were they? Therein lies the controversy because, among the islands of St. Peter and St. Paul, the place is swarming with schools of hammerhead sharks, TIGER SHARKS AND WHITE NIGHT spruce that has to hunt for their food and mating WITH WARM WATER OCEÂNICAS.Já others 50 bodies found, were almost thrown out of the aircraft and were located far from the site of the tragedy and the BRAZILIAN PRESS does not yet know the exact locations of the other bodies found by the French Navy and are the victims of the same flight.
August 6, 2011 Saturday
Analysis technique for evaluating the impact weight in overturned.The analysis techniques are very compelling and tragic facts which corresponds to a weight form of atmospheric condensation, the sample of each satellite is coming to the winds with a speed of approximately 180 kilometers with a speed and weight of ICE CUBES OR GRANÍSIO above 30 pounds in weight impact on the fuselage of the aircraft.Counting the weights of speed and weight of solid ice causes a total of over 4.8 tons of weight in the fuselage of the A330 with the ice cubes that 30 pounds of weight in the turbines would cause a total loss of control and the aircraft struck not bear WEIGHT THAT WHAT IS EVEN MORE OF THE A330 THE WEIGHT OF PERSONS IN BORDO.Os passengers were located all had multiple trauma MULTIPLE, or MULTIPLE FRACTURES AMONG ALL THE HEAD, NECK, ARMS, HANDS, LEGS, LEGS AND PÉS.No period of free fall, the Air Bus A330 would not be FULL OF BEAT IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, or shatter COMPLETELY IN ALL PARTS OF AIRCRAFT TAKEN BY ALL SIDES for WINDS BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH EAST AND WEST FOR INFORMATION COMAER AERONALTICA BRAZIL AND THE NAVY. It is FAR DISTANCE IN A RAY OF APPROXIMATELY thousand kilometers long GOING TO THE STATE OF PARA STATE OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE IN TRAINING Intertropical.
August 8, 2011
Studies on LIGHTNING, thunder and lightning.Analyses of satellite observation study, areas of instability formed in that span a radius of 1000 kilometers of sea area and land seen in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, farther north because the archipelago of Saint Peter and Saint Paulo.Essa area on the satellite view shows it forming from the bottom up, and she was seen between the State of Pará to the State of Rio Grande do Norte in the North and Northeast regions of the countryHave seen the storm, possibly the hot vapors coming from the circle of the equator, collided with the ice vapors coming from the south of South America, and have temperatures of more than 0 to + 40 Degrees célcios positive and from 0 to 40 - Degrees célcios negative, giving a thermal reaction which is natural formations LIGHTNING, thunder and lightning in an expanded area of ​​a field of thermo-electric discharge which is equivalent to 2,400 megawatts to 2,700 megawatts ditribuidos ray which is equivalent to 1.200 volts to 1.350 volts, a burst of electrical discharge from 1,000 to 10,000 decebés sharp explosion sound per second.Besides the weight measured by the impact will be across the fuselage of the A330 Air Bus, has also the weight of sequent physical impacts and explosion of electrical discharge with total loss of flight control in rollover FALL MORE THAN 250 kilometers on SPEED total weight of 5.4 tons of pressure drop in atmospheric physics and ICE CUBES IN ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE END WEIGHT RATED.Possible cause of the accident AF FLIGHT 447.The possible cause of the accident may be related is losing speed flight DECOMPRESSION WITH SPEED, with causes of DESPRESURIZAÇÃO AIR BUS A330 AIRCRAFT COMPANY AIR FRANCE, with clear signs of falls clear of ice cubes to exceed the weight of the aircraft and , the impact of internal combustion equipment, turbines damaged by impacts of large and heavy ice more than 120 POUNDS quent in rollover aerial drop of approximately 267 kilometers per hour freefall explosão.Já weight of 228 people within the A330 Air France had all polytraumatism IN EVERY PART OF THE BODY FOUND IN BRAZIL AND THE NAVY AÉRONALTICA Ministry of Defence Brazil.
Day 10 August 2011
Confirmation of Notes of Altitude, Latitude and Longitude.
At the time of the event with the A330 Air France, many states in north and northeast was in dire state of emergency because of heavy rains in May to June 2009.Only the observation of a direct extension of the events that occurred at the time, and the observations of meteorology and statistics show the extent of fatos.Em a radius of 1000 kilometers in length nut longitude, formed a thermal condensation of hot vapor before heating sea, meeting with icy winds counting scale a 90-degree turn to the northwest to north latitude 340 degrees Walnut reaching a height of 6500 feet to 7500 feet altitude, ie, observation of the facts, the unstable area formed immediately with the sea to thermal shocks in which the hot winds of 0 to 40 degrees Celsius rather negative from 0 to 40 degrees Celsius developed training burdened with dark clouds of liquid and solid in hot and cold vapors.From 6.5 to 7500 feet altitude has a height equivalent to the 12,000 meters to 15,000 meters in height, or to browse intercontinental flight range, all large aircraft have to be is 9000 minimum altitude in feet, ie, above 18 thousand feet of flight safety issues.Already the A330 Air France was at an altitude of 5500 feet of fall, or 11,000 meters high with instantaneous formation of the storm will 6500 feet of altitude, ie, to be 12 000 15 000 meters.
Because mobile devices can not be connected?
One of the reasons for communication failures possibly the A330 joins a number of problems caused by negligence air, watching the causes of interference from the communication signal, and this may be cause because of these failures seen in ADÉIS shipping and receiving messages tower transmission management Sindactas.Therefore the recommendations are not in any way allow any connected mobile communication device in the flight plan.
Day 11 August 2011
The coordinates of observation studies.The analyzes of studies in the figures shows the summary of facts that may be observed by the assessment data communication system.See the analysis in the equivalent weight of 10 grams of a solid marble, can weigh up to 30 pounds of impact, ie 4 cm, at a speed of approximately 180 kilometers per hora.Já a size of a ball basketball can weigh 30 pounds to 600 pounds of weight at the same speed of impact.With all the evidence, will logically possible is that every person found in the drop weight is exactly 600 pounds per person affected by the fuselage and drop despresurização cubes in glasses of the fuselage.Since the data set of facts into account, analyzes that weight kilowatt expanding area of ​​instability, has an electric discharge power of 2.4 megawatts to the combined 2.7-megawatt distributed in a radius of 1000 kilometers in longitude nut turning the nut 90 to 340 degrees of latitude at an altitude of 6 to 7500 feet altitude walnut, or 12 to 15 thousand feet in elevation of vapor condensation on ice to the warm liquid, or That is, each bolt of electricity can contain in electrical discharge of 1.200 to 1.350 wottz discharge with a burst of sound that exceeds of1, 000 to 10.000 per second decebés acute.Analysis of total weight of 4.8 tons to reach 5.4 tonnes of direct impact and electric discharge cubes, ie, the A330 had Air France fuel equivalent of 72% to 68% of fuel to be consumed in trip voo.A question is, has the potential of the A330 Air Bus to reach the ocean intact and exploded at sea and the press announced?
Because mobile devices can not be connected?
One of the reasons for communication failures possibly the A330 joins a number of problems caused by negligence air, watching the causes of interference from the communication signal, and this may be cause because of these failures seen in ADÉIS shipping and receiving messages tower transmission management Sindactas.Therefore the recommendations are not in any way allow any connected mobile communication device in the flight plan.
Day 17 August 2011
Note communication overhead corresponding informationOn August 12, 2011 Friday 19:11 GMT Ace hear an air crossing of two aircraft, a large one which corresponds to a position in A310 and was landing at Congonhas airport, was another in return takeoff and was small with observation of possibly bound for landing in the Field of Mars or Airport of Guarulhos SP, this was seen in the region apróximidades Immigrant Highway between km 23 to 25.The distance from each other in approximate height is two meters high, ie, approximate height of the A310 was 6000 meters and landing in the small to almost 4000 meters high in yield curve, and almost hear the collision aérea.Portanto necessary management flight observers consider this fact and the proper pilots small aircraft transponder off not letting the observation flight safety.
Day September 16, 2011 Friday
DID YOU KNOW?Did you know that the greatest archaeological discovery in the Atlantic Ocean's marine vessels medieval age of 511 will be 636 years ago?So even in the face of so many observations and before this case, my question was, whether the victims of FLIGHT 447 matches for the same, the largest cemetery in the world ocean is in the South Atlantic Ocean with vessels large Spanish galleons, French, Dutch , English and Portuguese, and in all vessels must be sure that the period from 1397 to 1469 will fourteenth and fifteenth centuries before the discovery of these wrecks Brasil.Justamente the reasons is related to Intertropical STORMS of the Andes THE NORTH AND NORTHEAST OF BRAZIL the Atlantic Ocean CALLED IN LA NIÑA.Acompanhem phenomenon is the story and saw many references these periods!
Alessandro Aparecido Ferreira de Andrade "Exercise is the duty of all citizens"


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